Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Wearing Wednesday: Manduca

I spent a week leaving the pushchair at home and baby wearing L to get out and enjoy the sunshine! 

I've talked before about how I've gotten on with my woven fabric sling. It's still a lovely close way to carry L but it's much more suited to L facing me, the front facing carries are slightly less supportive. I was sent a replacement after the one I originally brought at the baby show was faulty. We have used it and L loves to sleep in it.

I also still use the Baby Bjorn. But now that L is nearly 9kg it is starting to hurt my back carrying her in it. Also the way her legs are not supported is a bit of an issue for longer carrying. 

So I went align to my local sling library and met and talked about what I needed from a sling for L and I. 

Something which allows L to easily see and watch the world, easy to put on, supportive of L's legs and cosy for naps.

We tried on three slings, the Boba, the Manduca and the Tula. They are all structured carries using buckles to secure straps over shoulders and around waist. 

They all had l facing me and hugging me with her legs around me. They all allowed L to have her arms free and to turn her torso so as not to miss anything exciting! They also all secured around my natural waist. I could get L in and out by myself. 

I decided this time to go with the Manduca. I can easily get it on and secure L in it. There is a little hood which covers L's head, although it is quite small. L's legs are well supported, almost to her knees as she hugs me tight. She neatly fits under my head when she lays her head down on my chest while in it. I can also either cross the straps over my back or have them uncrossed. 

This sling secures around your natural waist so is high above my section scar which is something my woven wrap doesn't do. It is still tied around my scar area and although it doesn't bother me as much anymore there are days when it does. 

L fell asleep! She must approve. 

So far I really like it. The front panel can be extended as L gets bigger. I am going to use it for two weeks and see how I get on and go back and try a different sling after that. 

I know it is usually #weaningwednesday but I am mid review for the YumBox! Follow me on twitter @mummymorkus to see how we are getting on with it. If you would like to feature on #weaningwednesday as a guest post please email me at

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