Friday, 28 February 2014

Word of the Week: Broken

Monday started early, very early. 4am early. Not for L but for me. Yawn. L woke at 5 because of her teeth and she was still exhausted. Luckily J was able to get her back to sleep. I decided to grab Monday by the horns and while L slept in I baked a cake and put dinner in the slow cooker. Then during breakfast I made flapjacks. 

We played and L had her usual 9am nap which she extended till 10.30. We were looking at the lovely weather and I decided I would do some gardening during the lunch time nap and take L out to the park in the afternoon. It was a day during which I just had to keep moving.

And then once L had had lunch and was down napping I was rushing to get into the sun, rushing to get into the garden and carry on tidying it up. 


Toe against wall. Ouch. The air was quietly, because L was asleep, blue. Damn. But I thought nothing of it and hobbled out to the garden and proceeded to break the key in the shed padlock. I carried on hopping around the garden tidying pots and sweeping patio. An hour later L was stirring and my toe was really sore. Taking off my wellies was painful. Removing my sock revealed a rapidly swelling toe. 

Elevate, ice and buddy splinting was the advice from NHS Direct. I knew that nothing else would be done for a little toe, even a broken one. By the evening I couldn't put weight on it. It was double is normal size. And the next day revealed a tie which was blue, purple and incredibly tender.

This Monday moment has then been the theme of the week, broken. We haven't done anything, other than our NCT Ladies and Babies lunch to which I slowly hobbled just so I could get out of the house. We missed play group, singing, soccer tots and the library books are just racking up overdue fees. It's been low and slow. It's sapped energy and made me think too much. 

It's all been a bit broken, but, things are only broken for so long. The toe is recovering, and we will be back to normal service soon.


  1. Oh you poor thing, must have been so painful - really hope its all mended soon. Very impressed with your efforts on Monday morning though, best way to clear the cobwebs after waking so early #WotW

    1. It certainly helped me get through the morning. It is nearly better 10 days later, still brusied and painful. Stupid toe. X

  2. Oh no poor you, what a tough week :( Hope you heal soon x #WotW

    1. Thank you. Nearly better at 10 days. Fingers crossed it's properly better soon. X

  3. You have a great attitude in a challenging week. Get well soon

    1. Thank you. I am known to wallow sometimes and it's rarely helpful! X

  4. Oh no!! Ouch! Hope it feels better soon x

    1. Thank you. It is feeling better by the day so hopefully back to being pain free soon. X

  5. Oh dear, as you suspected earlier in the week. Such a little thing just ruins the week, though, doesn't it? So hope you're better soon and able to get out and about again x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. I know a trauma surgeon through our NCT group and he looked at it for me. Much quicker than A&E! We are making the most of the sun shine this week and getting out every day. X

  6. ouch!!! Hope your toe is better soon #WotW

    1. Thank you. It's feeling better by the day. X

  7. Oh no, that's not good. I am not very good with being house bound either. I do hope it recovers enough soon for you to be back up and about.

    1. It's pretty misery inducing isn't it? And doesn't help L who is much better when we can get out and about. X

  8. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Your baking looks great. x

    1. Thanks! I am sure the cake helped the recovery. X

  9. Ouch, I hope everything mends soon x #WotW

  10. Such a shame when you were being so amazingly productive! I guess life is a series of ups and downs though and hopefully you'll soon be back on the upswing! #WotW

    1. I think so! We are certainly making the most of this weeks sunshine but getting out and about. X

  11. Ouwch! Poor you, I hope you are on the mend soon x

  12. Oh no what a day! Glad your toe is on the road to recovery :)

    1. It was a pretty stupid day tbh! We are on the road :-)

  13. Oh ouch! Hope it heals quickly :)

    1. Thank you. 10 days later it is still bruised and painful in certain shoes. It's getting there. X
