Monday, 24 February 2014

Play Space Set Up

As I said in our 3-6 Toybox update we retired our playmat by four months as L took to rolling like a duck to water, she hasn't stopped moving since. 

Instead of setting up L's playmat daily I now had to set up the whole rug space in our living room, not that this has ever really worked to focus L's playing. She much prefers playing with the dirty shoes, trying to get into the kitchen or playing with the wires at our desk. 

This is an example of our daily play set up.

Music Basket

Every day the musical instruments are out. We keep adding to them as we find nice wooden instruments. Music is such a brilliant experience and learning opportunity for babies and children. We sing and play together with these instruments daily. L also likes to sit and empty this basket trying out each instrument in turn.

Book Basket

Every day the book basket is also out. The books in the basket change as we visit the library, purchase new books or rotate from our own library. L is really interested in this basket and will spend time flicking through the books, taking them out, looking at them and now also opening and closing them. She likes the textures in board books and will sit stroking the pages and different textures.


I set the mirror out each day with a different toy either in front of it or on top of it. L loves to wave to the baby in the mirror and give her sloppy kisses. It draws her attention to the toy placed with it which is great at encouraging her to play with something new or to revisit something which has been out of rotation for a while. 


As I said earlier L loves to empty things, so this box was set up with some toys inside ready to be taken out and explored. The textured fabric blocks have been popular for a while and L has a new found interest in cars after a trip to our local baby group. But the toys in this box will change and be rotated as L's interest in things wains or as she finds new favourites.

Discovery Basket

Currently this basket is full of building blocks but it changes weekly. L is really enjoying these bricks. She tips them out, hits them together, chews them and eagerly knocks down towers built by willing adults. 

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