Sunday, 8 September 2013

The Week That Was Instagrammed: week 6

On the blog this week

With L this week

Lots of firsts this week including chilling out in costa on a first mum and daughter shopping trip, posting letters at the post office, at the cinema to see first film (and a Richard Curtis at that!), story time with Nana, rocking the 3-6 month wardrobe and chatting away non stop! L has found her voice this week and it is hilarious and super cute. I really want to know what she is talking to her toys about. We are also on our quest for first proper laughs as they currently get stuck and come out as coughs.

At home this week

Filling filling and more filling. A will have a new house resolution to file letters and bills once a week! Packing up after three happy years in our little flat, I will really miss this place as it is the home I have lived in longest after my family homes. My cats are not helping the packing and are getting suspicious of all the moving around. I hate the transition between homes and the chaos of packing and disorganisation. My poor OCD brain is having a slight melt down.


We have started regular story time, usually after a bath and alternated with baby massage as we don't have the patience to do both currently.  L is starting to watch the books more and loves the high contrast images most. I have planned and sourced my 'make something beautiful' and plan on a nice easy bake tomorrow.

Happy weeks everyone!


  1. It sounds like you had a lovely week (amongst the packing!) :) Can't believe L saw that before I did ;) was it good?

    Thank you so much for linking up again xx

    1. Yeah. A bit of a slow burner but very touching story. Made me hug L a little bit tighter on more than one occasion.

      Love this link up! Xxx
