Monday, 2 September 2013

Magic Moments Yet to Come

Last week during the blog hop I read a blog about wishing on stars. It got me thinking about all the things we have yet to show L and all the things which will be her firsts. First fireworks, first Christmas, first foods and first laughs.

During my blue week last week I lost sight of the good things and let the tiredness and blueness take over, this week and season I want to focus on the positives and the exciting things to come.

So to start as I mean to go on I am writing an Autumn Bucket list. A list of things to do this wonderful season with my little lady and things to do for me and my sanity. This has been inspired by a few bloggers whose lists I have seen this morning. Namely The Mad House of Cats and Babies and the Spotted Rose.  And here it is.

Now this is a big list. I am not expecting to be a brilliant manual mode photographer or to be able to bake prize winning cakes but these are all things I loved to do pre L as well as things I want to do with L to enjoy this most spectacular of seasons.

Autumn colours, fireworks, birthdays and the start of our first family Christmas. This is going to be a good three months filled with magic moments.

Happy Mondays.


  1. I so so love the idea of this and i so have some very similar things on there if i did mine like taking my camera out of auto!

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x

    1. I have had the camera since my birthday last autumn and have yet to properly experiment in auto! I have a dummies book to help me out! I need to use more than my phone camera to record L's milestones and achievements.

  2. Making lists can be such a great way of motivating yourself. I think I need to sit down for five minutes and think what I want to achieve in this new season too!

    1. Hi, glad I can inspire! I got the idea from others and thought how much better I do with lists. I hope it really helps me think a bit more about what I am doing to make the most of the season as well as my year maternity leave.

  3. What a great idea! Think I'll have to steal that one... good luck with working your way through it #MagicMoments

  4. Thanks! I had to steal the idea to. Never done one before so hopefully it will work out to inspire me and encourage me to do lots with L but also for myself.

  5. Thank you all for stopping by and reading my little blog. I really appreciate your comments. Xxx

  6. I do love a good list! Look forward to hearing how it goes x

  7. What a great idea, so important to set goals and look forward. Impressed at your commitment to bake every week and get creative.Good for the soul! Keep us posted on how you get on. #magicmoments
