Little Lamb Bamboo Nappy Review
Sold regularly as an essential for night time these nappies do not disappoint. I love these nappies. They are described by some as "bomb proof" when used with a little lamb wrap and I think his description is fitting and just. I have been putting L is these since she was about 3 weeks when she weighed in at 9lb 11. She had enough chunk on her thighs to make the fit perfect. These are secured with Velcro with handy laundry tabs to ensure they do not get too tangled in the wash, when I remember to secure them while taking them off! The Velcro ensures I can get the fit tight enough around her tummy which, despite her weight, is slim.
At first L could go about 4 hours in these nappies unless she had a massive poo explosion, I changed them at feeds and noticed they were soaked through. Now are 6ish weeks and with only the occasional night poo L can go 12 hours in them without fuss, this is also probably due to the extra washes to help improve absorbency. This has saved us from those night time nappy changes, especially precarious with a child who loves to pee when the air is on her bottom! I use the fleece liner which comes with the nappy but also a disposable liner as I am using a bottom butter to help keep her peachy cheeks peachy and have heard about these products not being good for the nappies.
Little Lamb Wraps
I use these bombproof wraps with my Bamboo. The fit over the nappy at the back is snug, going over the nappy, and reassures against leaks from poo going up L's back. The fit around the leg, including the fringing, fully encloses the nappy and again makes me pretty confident of leak prevention. So far we have had one minor leak and to be honest I expected some leaks in the early days of our cloth adventures.
Overall I would recommend these nappies to every one about to become a Mummy, and recently I offered to lend my stash to a newly expecting friend as well as directing her to the website to check the nappies out for herself. The fact that I no longer need to change L in the night is a godsend and is making those night time feeds much easier. L seems to be really bothered in disposables and as a heavy wetter we were having to change her more than once in the night. On a recent trip away I was really sad not to have taken my Bamboo. This mistake will not be made again!
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